Since Google is taking strict actions day by day to keep rolling new algorithm updates; one thing that is really not good for digital marketers is to adopt a practice of using ineffective keywords. Keyword research is essential for marketers who are looking optimize their websites; the need to do the keyword research has remained the same.

FebComments: 2
How to Get Started with Google Ads or Adwords as a Beginner in 2020
For those who are just beginning their fantastic digital marketing journey, Google AdWords is an amazing pay-per-click PPC network that is owned by Google itself. As you know that Google is a giant search engine in the world, hundreds of thousands of firms and individual entrepreneurs use Google AdWords today on daily basis to drive traffic to their websites.

FebComments: 1
Best Facebook Marketing Tools to Save Money and Time
Needless to say that Facebook has grown in popularity tenuously with over 1.5 billion active daily users on the platform. The world’s largest social network not only allows personal users to share their photos with the global audience but also provides an excellent opportunity to businesses to improve their brand presence and increase sales.

MayComments: 0
How to Perform a Content Audit for your Existing Content
Even the most experienced bloggers and content managers are not fully aware of the importance and strategies of performing the content audit for the existing content. It seems like a painful process to conduct a content audit in the organization. Let us first see what is this monster called the “content audit”; a content audit is performed annually by the digital marketers to deliver big insights to your website or blog.

OctComments: 0
Lessons Marketers Should Learn Using Google Ads
Google Ads are simply awesome resource when it comes to helping the people’s businesses grow and providing new leads to the customers. It helps businesses get new leads through search ads and display networks and the process seems pretty simple.

FebComments: 0
5 Google Ads Problems Marketers should address in 2020
Google Ads will keep you surprised and always keep you on your toes. As you play the phenomenal role of social media marketing professional in your organization, Google Ads will keep you busy with frequent keywords rise and CPC changes. Since Google ads is such a complicated system, it is clear the marketers can make a lot of mistakes using the platform to boost their conversions.

DecComments: 0
How to create your Instagram Content Plan for your Business in 2020
Instagram has become the worlds most effective and friendly social media platform for business marketers in the recent years which supports visually appealing and rich content. According to Search Engine Journal report 2018, the number of online adults using Instagram since 2012 has increased by 400%; almost 72% of people below 25 years use Instagram globally because it is relatively much faster and result oriented compared to other social network platforms.

DecComments: 0
Should Businesses Invest in Google Ads in 2020?
As a digital marketers or a business owner in 2020, there is nothing worse than someone telling you why you should quit using Google Ads for a myriad reasons. There is a serious problem when it comes to understanding and having appropriate knowledge about Google Ads to help your business flourish. Google Ads are improving in the New Year with Google focusing on introducing new seasonal events and segments to help the audiences get what they search for. It would be ridiculous to believe that using Google Ads will no longer do any good in 2020 for your business because you make all the mistakes you should not in order to get the best results.

AugComments: 0
How Beginners can learn Social Media Marketing: Vital Tips for Starting a Social Marketing Career
Social Media Marketing is a process of increasing your brand awareness through social network websites and platforms. In the 21st century, social media has become the most profitable and convenient source for the marketers to improve their brand recognition and increase their products’ visibility. The ultimate goal of a social media marketing campaign is to drive more traffic to your business website; the world’s largest social media platforms include LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and You Tube.

MayComments: 0
5 Reasons why you Need Content Marketing for your Business
Have you heard to term content marketing? In the digital world today, content is king. Content marketing is a vital source today to set your business apart from the wide list of competitors forging to beat your brand in the marketplace. It has become a necessity for modern brands to se content marketing strategies to run successful digital marketing campaigns.

JanComments: 0
How to become a Great SEO Consultant in 2020
Search Engine Optimization is changing each year. Professionals who are a part of SEO journey can realize SEO is going to be the next big thing of the century in terms of business success and online marketing. It is a thrill to launch your first website and embark upon a journey to become an SEO expert in 2020; however, SEO consultancy career is much harder than you think in the beginning because it requires great deal of reading, experimenting, and researching to have a ton of success.

AprComments: 0
Why LinkedIn is a Useful Tool for Marketers: Guide for Digital Marketers
Marketers know well that social media is the key to successful digital marketing campaigns in the age of super-advanced technology. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have impacted the lives of marketers hugely over the past decade; however, LinkedIn can also do a lot more for your business promotion and marketing than you think it can.

JunComments: 0
Why WordPress is the Best CMS for the SEO Standpoint
Undoubtedly Word press has gained much popularity over other content management systems CMS in the world. Users are able to depend on and develop WordPress sites from all over the world and promote their online presence using the friendliest CMS platform on the planet. WordPress is ideal for not only small business owners who aim to create their word out but also help several large businesses to promote their specific niche in the industry.

JanComments: 1
Latest SEO Challenges and Trends in 2020 for Boosting your Website Rankings
Time is challenging ahead for SEO professionals because of ever-changing Google algorithm and content marketing requirements. In the new year 2020, SEO professionals will be looking forward to focus on new SEO strategies and challenges to help them dominate in the SERPs. If you have been in SEO for many years, you must have known that using the same old SEO techniques and tactics can end up biting the dust.

JanComments: 0
How to optimize Google Ads in 2020: Tips to increase Ad Clicks
In terms of improving the return of investment, Google Adwords is the most effective platforms professionals can use in the evolving times. Despite failing to gain substantial returns with Google Ads, it is still not a big waste of your marketing budget if you know the right tricks to optimize the Google Ads in 2020.

JanComments: 0
Facebook Page or Facebook Group? What should you create for your Brand Promotion?
Social media marketing is never complete without Facebook which has changed the lives of millions of customers and marketers over the past few years. Facebook serves as an effective tool for reaching wider audiences; whether no area blogger, a business owner, or a large corporation, Facebook marketing is inevitable for you in the modern era of digital marketing and social media.

JanComments: 0
10 Benefits of Guest Blogging you should know in 2020 to build Relationships
Many Internet marketers believe that guest blogging is the most effective technique to promote link building; however, not all of them can use that strategy very effectively. In addition to social media marketing, guest blogging is a vital marketing strategy in the digital marketing world which allows you to create content you can publish on other websites or blogs; as a result, you can boost your own website’s authority and improve brand recognition using guest blogging.

JulComments: 0
5 Strong Reasons Why Your Website Needs Professional SEO
Businesses in the contemporary era of digitization rely heavily on search engines to help them find their customers. Whether you are a restaurant owner or a software developer, services and products your business offers always need a target audience who is specifically searching for the products on Google and other search engines. Attracting potential customers and turning them into profits and business success starts with vital search engine optimization skills SEO; which is why you need to spend more time researching your customers and make the best out of digital marketing efforts.

AugComments: 0
5 Strategies for SEO Beginners to Really Move Ahead
SEO may not be your best skill but as an SEO beginner, you need to develop a great deal of conviction and focus to really move the pendulum in your favor. Here we are discussing five strategies that all SEO beginners should be implementing to help them accomplish their SEO goals powerfully. Experts see search engine optimization both as a science and an art with more creative strategies required to satisfy the changing algorithms of Google. Therefore, applying rock-solid analytics and techniques can help you create a powerful profile as a SEO professional.

JanComments: 0
Why Social Media Marketing is getting Tougher Each Day: Advice for 2020 Marketers
It has been a decade since marketers around the globe have been depending on social media to leverage their businesses to new levels and use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Interest instead of investing heavily in traditional marketing techniques.

MayComments: 1
How SEO Experts See SEO in the Pakistan Market for Coming Years
SEO has been a game changer when it comes to digital marketing across the world. In the Pakistani digital marketing arena, Rizwan Zahid is one of the pioneers of SEO offering mainstream Google Optimization services to my clients from around the world. Quite similarly, SEO for Pakistani businesses is also now playing a vital role in ranking business websites higher as the populace grows fonder of online purchases by the day.

JunComments: 1
Benefits of Outsourcing SEO to Pakistan
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is without a doubt one of the cornerstones of any digital marketing campaign. Ranking target website’s keywords higher in search results, SEO brings organic traffic boosting business and profits as a result. Where the main purpose is to rank your target keywords in your respective target market, the SEO team you select doesn’t have to be based locally. Rizwan Zahid is a SEO Consultant in Pakistan who has been providing top rated digital marketing services for worldwide businesses for over a decade.

MarComments: 0
Article Marketing Guide
Article Marketing or Content Marketing through Blog Posts, Blog Submissions and/or Guest Posting is one of the most basic and efficient parts of digital marketing. Brands or Businesses can get the message across to their audiences with professionally written Blogs and Articles about their products and services. Rizwan Zahid provides most reliable Article Marketing opportunities to business from around the world and from any types or niches as well.

AprComments: 0
Effective ways of Geo Targeting in SEO
The purpose of any site is to increase the amount of visitors to the website. Geo-targeting is an essential part of aiming your site for the particular visitors who visit your site. The term “GEO targeting” is basically the technique of doing online marketing of a site in accordance to the visitor’s geographical location. Online marketing through Geo targeting will help the website owner increase profit and help users get the precise search results they are in need of.

MayComments: 1
Future of SEO in Pakistan
Search engines are the easiest and widely used method developed for consumers to locate their desired sites. In order to increase the viewership of these search engines and promote its usage, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) technique is used. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps increase viewership of the website being searched through it by adding clarity and improvement to the visibility of the website. In simple words, visibility of your site on the most used search Engines like Google, Alta Vista and hotbot are made better with the help of SEO technique. In other words, better the SEO technique used higher will be the visibility of your site. Google is the most favorable currently in terms of high traffic and is being used worldwide.

AugComments: 0
Reduce your online marketing cost
Online marketing, also known as Internet marketing, is an essential part of establishing your presence on the web. Creating a website for your business is a start, but the next step is to let people know that your website exists and to get customers on to your website. Internet marketing is a broad term and covers specialist aspects such as SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and e-mail marketing among others. Your online marketing budget may include costs associated with placing banners or text ads on other websites or on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).